É sempre bom cozinhar, receber amigos e amigos dos amigos, conhecidos e desconhecidos, os quais passamos a conhecer e a trocar experiências de vida que nos enriquecem. Mas não sejamos egoistas! A nossa passagem pelo mundo pode ser apenas uma passagem ou em alternativa, podemos tentar deixar algo de nós pelos sitios onde passamos e na forma como vivemos.
Assim nasceu a ideia do CLR - África. Este micro-projecto resume-se ao "Sr.Pig" que guarda com ele todos os "donativos" que cada um dos experienciadores CLR deixam em troca dos nossos jantares. Estes fundos destinam-se a ingredientes muito especiais, ingredientes que passam por roupas, cadernos, livros e lápis para os meninos desse grande continente que é Africa. Ao longo de um ano o "Sr. Pig" estará a engordar para que, antes da partida, todos os fundos que conseguirmos reunir possam germinar sorrisos nos rostos alegres da quente África.
“Ideas are like cherries!” That’s something that Portuguese people use to say, and it completely applies to this project. I started as a hobby and the ideas also started to come to us. Then we choose the first menu and believed that this could be possible.
It’s always a pleasure to cook to ours friends and the friends of our friends. People that we already know and people we just met because the CLR experience it’s also this: get connected with the world. We do not want to be selfish and share the places, people, cultures and experiences we passed by with others and also mix it with their own experiences. Because we can try to leave the world a litle bit better than we found it.
The CLR-Africa born from this concept. This micro-project is in resume “Mr. Pig” that closes inside him all the donations from the result of each CLR experience. After our dinners, we do not share the bill, everyone can just feed “Mr. Pig” with whatever they want to. During a year, “Mr. Pig” is going to be fat (he hope so!) and with this money we are going to buy school material, clothes and toys to bring with us in our next journey to Africa and with them, just seed some smiles in those children.